
Examples of iambic pentameter in sonnets shakespeare
Examples of iambic pentameter in sonnets shakespeare

examples of iambic pentameter in sonnets shakespeare

(The first couple of lines are somewhat loose in the meter, but the second couplet is fairly rigorous, roughly pronounced: and BAH-thed EV'ry VEIN in SWICH li-QUOR/of WHICH vir-TUE en-GEN-dred is the FLOOR ".) The droghte of march hath perced to the roote, Poets had been using it since at least Middle English, such as Geoffrey Chaucer in Canterbury Tales: I loue thee well, say Iuno what she will.

examples of iambic pentameter in sonnets shakespeare

Lo I the man, whose Muse whilome did maske,Īs time her taught, in lowly Shepheards weeds,įor trumpets sterne to chaunge mine Oaten reeds,Īnd sing of Knights and Ladies° gentle deeds Īnd Christopher Marlowe in Dido Queen of Carthage: Edmund Spenser used it in The Faerie Queene: Shakespeare wrote iambic pentameter because that was the most common verse meter of the time.

Examples of iambic pentameter in sonnets shakespeare