There are alternatives to Microsoft Office, such as OfficeLibre, which is open-source and works offline, which may meet your needs.It lets you create and edit documents however, you must be online to use it and it works with documents stored on OneDrive, for which you can get a free account. There is a free version of Microsoft Office that includes Word, albeit with fewer functions. Recent Professional Plus licenses are volume licenses and are not sold to individuals, except through the Home Use Program connected with employers, but they are sold by unscrupulous Internet sellers and may work for a while when installed when Microsoft catches what is going on, the licenses stop working.Microsoft has become more aggressive at enforcing its licensing requirements, thus what is happening with Word 2016 on your computer. It was a trimmed-down version and is no longer distributed. Publisher: Microsoft Rating: 6. I do not think it shows up as unlicensed it would not give the message you are seeing. Venerable productivity suite adds solid PDF editing, real-time collaboration and Read Mode in latest version Publisher: Microsoft Rating: 5.1 out of 10 (1733 votes) Microsoft Office 2010 2010 This is the final version of the Microsoft Office 2010. There was a free version, with ads, of Office 2010 that was paid for by computer manufacturers.