*Do not delete your Individual custom content package files and their folders In your “S3CC” folder after merging. *Only merged custom content and mods belong In your mods folder now, you don’t need both the separate and merged files at once. *Once you have finished merging all your custom content folders one by one copy the merged package files Into your mods packages folder. *Make sure all Individual package file custom content from your mods packages folder gets moved to It’s proper folders within your “S3CC” folder we created In an earlier step. *Use the simpack converter (sims 3 multi installer) to change simpacks Into packages then place the package files Into their correct folder, example: hair. *If some of the files are simpacks simply cut and paste them to a new folder called processing within the S3CC folder. *Make sure you select your main S3CC folder as where the merged files are saved. *Do not merge any mods, only merge package file custom content as you may need to patch your game some time In future or make changes. *Follow the merging tutorial I learnt from here: *Each time one of the sub-folders fills up with 100 Items of custom content you will need to create a new one with the same name and a corresponding number, example: clothes 1.

*copy over all your existing package file custom content Into their appropriate folders you just created. You can’t have two mods editing the same things within the game, It breaks things and can cause crashes.

*If you have any mods, scan them with sims 3 dashboard too, If there are any conflicts then you will have to choose one of the two mods that are conflicting to keep and delete the other. *Scan all your package file custom content using the sims 3 dashboard program and delete any corrupted, duplicate or bad cc that the program finds during the scan. *Label It with what you are going to fill It with, make as many of these as you need for hair, clothes etc. *Go Into the folder we just created, right click and select “new folder”.

*Create a new folder on your desktop called “S3CC”.

A guide to organizing your custom content my way, stopping crashes and reducing lag.īasic custom content organizing, merging and converting steps